Frequently Asked Questions about CLR and Tarn-X
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With CLR's array of cleaning solutions, understanding application and ingredients is key. Below are FAQs addressing common concerns and usage instructions for our products. Ensure optimal results by familiarizing yourself with these guidelines.
How far down will Drain Opener work on a clog?
50’ down a 1.5” diameter pipe, 40’ down a 2” diameter pipe, 35’ down a 3.5” diameter pipe, 25’ down a 4” diameter pipe, 18’ down a 5” diameter pipe
Is Brilliant Bath safe on acrylic?
Yes, Brilliant Bath is perfectly safe for acrylic. Follow the directions on the bottle and be sure to rinse after 2-3 minutes.
Will Drain Opener harm my pipes?
Even with the capability of cleaning a blockage up to 50 feet away, you can be assured that any sound plastic or metal pipe will not be subject to danger.
Will Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover remove oil from my concrete driveway or garage floor?
We do not recommend using our Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to remove oil. If Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is mixed with oil, it will darken the concrete, which is very difficult to remove.
Will CLR Metal Clear work to remove hard water stains from my kitchen sink?
No. CLR Metal Clear does not contain any ingredients effective in removing hard water stains. It simply cleans surface dirt and shines stainless steel, chrome, porcelain and aluminum.
Is Probiotic Multi-Surface Septic Safe?
The ingredients are septic safe, but it is not tested for septic safe certification.
How do you dispose of Tarn-X Tarnish Remover?
Never dispose of Tarn-X in your sink, toilet or storm sewer. Contact your local or state government environmental control agency for disposal guidance.
How do I remove Tarn-X discoloration from stainless steel?
While we don’t have a solution for this, to attempt to remove the stain, immediately clean the discolored area with baking soda, applied with cold water and a soft rag. Additionally, other customers who’ve accidentally had our Tarn-X Tarnish Remover come into contact with stainless steel have told us that liquid household kitchen cleansers (such as Cerama-Bryte® or Bar Keepers Friend®) have remedied this.
How does Drain Opener work?
Drain Opener is a compressed gas. When the formula in the can is released and comes in contact with water in your drain, it expands rapidly, creating a standing wave. It uses the water in your pipe as a battering ram pushing the blockage through and cleaning the walls of your pipes.
How do I clean with CLR Metal Clear?
Before beginning, always test CLR Metal Clear on a hidden area of the surface you are cleaning. Use in a well ventilated area. To use CLR Metal Clear, wearing rubber gloves, dip a damp cloth or sponge into the solution, rub briskly over the area you are cleaning, let it soak for two to three minutes and then rinse with cold water. If the surface is not thoroughly clean, try another application. For a brighter shine, wipe the surface with a clean, soft cloth.
How do I clean hard water deposits from my drinking glasses?
To clean hard water stains, we recommend using a 50/50 solution (equal parts of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover and warm water) into a glass or porcelain bowl. Apply solution to the affected stained areas of the glasses using a damp cloth or sponge. After 2 minutes, rinse thoroughly with cold, clean water. If it seems that Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover helped a bit but the glasses are not completely clear, repeat at full strength if necessary. Due to the natural density and hardness of calcium as a mineral, the calcium can actually etch and embed itself into the material of the glass (usually present by having a cloudy appearance vs. spotty).
How do you dispose of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover or a solution of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover and warm water after I’m finished using it?
We recommend pouring small amounts down a sink drain followed by cold water or flushing small amounts down a toilet at one time.
How do I use Brilliant Bath?
Always use Brilliant Bath in a well-ventilated area while wearing household rubber gloves and test a hidden area of the surface before beginning to clean. When cleaning, apply the solution to a clean damp cloth, sponge, brush or directly to the surface to be cleaned, allow the foam time to work and then rinse with clean, cold water. Never leave the solution on a surface for more than two or three minutes. If the stain persists, repeat the process. Do not use Brilliant Bath with other cleaners or bleach. Never reuse the bottle when it is empty.
How do I use Drain Opener?
Drain Opener can be used on a number of different drains. The directions for each type of drain follows. Remember never use Drain Opener in any drains where an acid or lye product is present and never mix Drain Opener with a chemical drain cleaner.
Blocked Sinks and Tubs 1. Fill sink with enough water to submerge cap. 2. Block overflow with damp rag or sponge and hold firmly. 3. Place cap over drain opening and press firmly for one second. Repeat if necessary.
Slow-Moving Drains 1. Place stopper in drain. 2. Fill sink or tub with 6-7” of water, remove stopper. 3. Block overflow with damp rag or sponge and hold firmly. 4. Place cap over drain opening and press firmly for one second. Repeat if necessary. Double Sinks 1. Place stopper in second sink and hold. 2. Follow the same directions as a blocked sink.
Shower Drains 1. Place can’s cap over drain ensuring it’s fully submerged in water. If the water level is not sufficient to cover the green cap, pour water into the cap. 2. Press firmly on handle for one second. Repeat if necessary.
How do I use Mold & Mildew on a front load washing machine?
For best results in front loading washing machine, product should be applied once per week, soon after using machine. Surfaces need to be allowed to dry after application. If mold is left on surface, like rubber gaskets or grout, for even a week, mold can embed into surface, in which case product will no longer work effectively.
How do I use Outdoor Furniture Cleaner?
When using Outdoor Furniture Cleaner always wear household rubber gloves and test on a hidden area of the surface before beginning to clean. When cleaning, apply the solution to a clean damp cloth, sponge, brush or directly to the surface to be cleaned, allow the cleaner time to work and then rinse with clean, cold water from your hose. For woven surfaces, cushions and fabric, use a soft-bristled brush while for smooth surfaces use a soft-bristled brush or a clean damp cloth. After cleaning, if the stain persists, repeat the process. Do not use Outdoor Furniture Cleaner with other cleaners or bleach. Never reuse the bottle when it is empty.
How do I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean coffee pots, pans or tea kettles?
Pour enough Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to cover bottom. Swish around in pot or pan. Add one cup of warm water, allow mixture to soak for two minutes and thoroughly rinse with cold, clean water. Using a soft scouring pad while our product is sitting on the stains is recommended. Always check with the manufacturer of your coffee pots, pans and tea kettles first for their recommendations of products that are safe and effective on their materials.
How do I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean my coffee maker?
Mix one part (ex: 1 cup) Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to eight parts (ex: 8 cups) water (for 10-12 cup automatic drip coffee makers). Run through coffee maker as if making coffee. Dispose of solution once product has run completely through the maker, then fill entire pot with clear, cold water and run a complete cycle twice. Instructions are for a regular 8-12 cup coffee maker. *Do not use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover in coffee makers that hold water permanently. *Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is not recommended for Gevalia, Keurig or Cuisinart coffee makers. *Do not use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover in espresso machines. Always read your coffee maker’s manufacturer’s directions before using Calcium, Lime and Rust to make sure product is compatible. Certain coffee makers contain permanent carbon/charcoal filters. Consumer discretion is always advised.
How do I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean my dishwasher or washing machine?
To clean a dishwasher, remove dishwashing rinse agent before using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover. Pour a 1/2 cup of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover directly into the bottom of an empty dishwasher (no glasses, dishes, or flatware but the racks can stay). Run a normal cycle followed by an extra rinse cycle. Make sure there are no detergents or any other chemicals in the machine while using our product. Washing Machine: Run your empty machine (no clothes) without detergent up to the main wash cycle, which is where the water stops and the cycle is about to agitate. Stop the machine and add one-half cup of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover directly into the tub of the machine. Finish cycle. Run one additional full cycle (wash and rinse) with water only to rinse machine fully. If your machine is HE (high efficiency) and/or 'Water Saver' we recommend using a 1/4 cup of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover, instead of the normal 1/2 cup recommended for any other type of washer/dishwasher. For Front Loading Machines: Simply add a 1/2 cup of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to the soap dispenser (only 1/4 of a cup for HE machines). After the full cycle has completed, run an additional rinse cycle with just water. Make sure there are no clothes or other chemicals in the machine when using our product.
How do I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean a showerhead?
When cleaning a showerhead, we recommend using a 50/50 solution (equal parts) of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover and warm water. If possible, remove the showerhead and submerge it in the solution for no longer than 2 minutes (using an old toothbrush on the face of the showerhead after it has soaked will assist in removing the mineral buildup) then rinse promptly and thoroughly with cold water. Repeat at full strength if necessary, rinsing thoroughly after each application.
How Do I Use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover?
In a well-ventilated area, mix equal amounts of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover and warm water. Test on a hidden area before applying to the entire surface. Apply directly to the stain with a brush, cloth or sponge. After 2 minutes rinse promptly with cold water. Never leave Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on an area for longer than two minutes. If the stain does not disappear, repeat this process and add more Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover solution as necessary. Never mix Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover with other household cleaners or bleach. Always read the manufacturer's directions of the item you will be cleaning to make sure that this product is compatible. Consumer discretion is always advised.
How do I use Range Hood & Stove?
To use Range Hood & Stove, sweep the area clean of heavy dirt and dust. For stains such as tar or heavy grease, scrape off as much as possible with a putty knife before cleaning. While wearing household rubber gloves, test a small, hidden area of the surface first before cleaning the main area. Pour or brush full strength to an area no larger than 12" x 12". Depending on size and difficulty of the stain, let the solution soak for one to five minutes. Clean the area with a clean brush or broom until the stain is loosened. Rinse at once with cool, clean water. Repeat the process if necessary. Do not use Range Hood & Stove with any other cleaners, bleaches or acids. If cleaning near grass or shrubs, rinse the grass and shrubs before and after cleaning.
How do I use Septic System?
Septic System is safe on pipes and porcelain and works on fats, oils, grease and other stubborn organic matter.
How do I use Tarn-X Silver Polish?
Wear household rubber gloves if you have a history of sensitive skin and always test a small area of the piece before beginning to clean. To polish your silver, shake the container of Silver Polish and then use a clean, damp cloth or sponge to apply the solution. Allow the Tarn-X Silver Polish to dry for at least a minute then buff to a high luster with a soft, dry cloth. Rinse the piece thoroughly with cold, clean water and then dry it with a soft cloth. Do not mix Tarn-X Silver Polish with other polishes.
How do I use Tarn-X?
Prior to using Tarn-X, use soap and hot water to remove any dirt or grime. Rinse with cold water and wipe dry before using Tarn-X. While wearing household rubber gloves, dip a cotton ball or soft cloth in Tarn-X and wipe on tarnished areas. For larger items, apply full strength Tarn-X to about 1/3 of article at a time, then rinse thoroughly. For heavily tarnished pieces, repeat the above process until all tarnish is dissolved. Tarn-X only removes tarnish. Always apply a silver polish after using Tarn-X Tarnish Remover for optimum shine, luster and help protect your silver from tarnishing quickly. After using Tarn-X, rinse immediately with cold water and hand dry with a soft cloth. Never leave Tarn-X on anything longer than two minutes and always test Tarn-X on a small area before cleaning the entire piece. Clean spills immediately. Some laminated surfaces (counter tops) are coated with a synthetic material which may be affected by Tarn-X. Keep Tarn-X away from stainless steel.
How often can I use Drain Opener?
We suggest using Drain Opener monthly to keep your pipes free flowing and to prevent obstructions.
What is a septic system’s purpose in the household?
The purpose of the tank is to treat household waste. The tank treats the waste by the water falling to the bottom, the solids that are lighter float to the top and the heavier waste/sludge goes to the bottom. The sludge/solids that fall to the bottom must be treated with a septic system treatment to convert these materials into liquids which then will flow to the drain field.
How many applications are in a can?
There are up to 15 applications in one 4.5 oz. can of Drain Opener. Do not hold down can for more than 1 second. If you push down longer then less will be available for use.
How long is the shelf life of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover?
We recommend using or disposing of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover within 3 years. Make sure cap is securely fastened after each use.
How long can I leave CLR Metal Clear on a surface?
We recommend 2-3 minutes. After rubbing CLR Metal Clear over the area you are cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clear cold water. You may repeat the process if necessary.
How long can I leave Range Hood & Stove on a stain before rinsing?
Range Hood & Stove should only be left on a surface 1-5 minutes then rinsed off with cool clean water. If the stain persists, repeat the process.
What is the Spotless Stainless Steel Cleaner compromised of?
The Spotless Stainless Steel cleaner is a water based formulation. This means that you will NOT get any oily residue after using this product. When cleaning any of your stainless steel surfaces, spray the entire surface and wipe, using a clean, soft cloth, following the grain of the stainless steel.
Where can I find Drain Opener?
Visit our "Store Locator" section of the website for a complete list of participating retailers.
Where can I find Septic System?
Visit our "Retail Locator" section of the website for a complete list of participating retailers.
Is Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover safe for ice makers?
We do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean ice makers. The acids in our product are not compatible with the components of ice makers. We always recommend referring to the manufacture's recommendation for safe and effective products to use on their materials.
Is Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover septic safe?
Yes, Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is septic safe. By the time it reaches the septic system it is neutralized with water.
Will Outdoor Furniture Cleaner harm my flowers and grass?
No. Be sure to fully rinse the furniture and the grass with cold, clear water after cleaning.
What other surfaces should I not use Brilliant Bath on when cleaning?
Do not use on stone, mirrors, plastic laminates, wood, fabrics, painted surfaces or wall coverings.
What can I use Outdoor Furniture Cleaner on?
It can be used on resin, plastic, rattan, wicker, wood, wrought iron, vinyl, PVC and canvas.
What can I use Range Hood & Stove on?
Range Hood & Stove can be used on concrete, terrazzo, granite, asphalt, stone floors and barbeque grills to remove oil, grease and tar. You can also use Range Hood & Stove for factory and garage floors, pool decks, sidewalks, ovens, motors, machinery and driveways. Surfaces with high oil/ wax content can be adversely affected.
What can Drain Opener be used on?
Drain Opener can be used to unclog blocked sinks and tubs, slow-moving drains, double sinks, toilets, shower drains, floor drains and garbage disposals.
What surfaces should I not use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on?
Do not use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on any natural stone or marble (including cultured marble), terrazzo, colored grout (any other color than white), any painted, coated, sealed or metallic glazed surfaces, plastics, laminates, Formica, Corian, aluminum, galvanized metals, nickel, oil rubbed bronze, brass, copper, steam irons, leaded crystal, refinished tubs or any damaged or cracked surface. Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover may etch older sinks, tubs and tiles. Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is corrosive. Avoid contact with wood, clothing, wallpaper and carpeting. Some laminated surfaces (counter tops) are coated with a synthetic surface which may be affected by rust removers; clean spills immediately. Always spot test first on an inconspicuous area.
What kind of clog will Drain Opener work on?
Drain Opener will work on any clog, including hair, grease, food particles and soap build-up.
Is Everyday Clean Septic Safe?
The ingredients are septic safe, but it is not tested for septic safe certification.
Is this a PRO FAQ?
Is Tarn-X safe to use on stainless steel?
Tarn-X should never be used on or near stainless steel, as it may stain or discolor it. This includes stainless steel flatware and sinks.
Is Tarn-X safe to use on brass?
We do not recommend using Tarn-X on brass. The active ingredients in Tarn-X are not compatible with the components of brass (copper and zinc). We recommend using only those products specifically formulated to be safe on brass.
Does Drain Opener work on slow moving drains?
Yes! Drain Opener works great on this annoying problem. Simply follow the directions for a blocked drain (as stated on the box or can) ensuring that you fully submerge the green cap in water. Then give Drain Opener a slightly longer application. Your drain will run freely once again.
Is there a difference between Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover in the gray bottle and Brilliant Bath in the yellow spray bottle?
Although they both come from the fine CLR BrandsTM family, they are formulated differently and solve different cleaning problems. See each product label for recommended uses along with the helpful information provided throughout our web site.
Why did my copper darken or discolor after using Tarn-X?
The Tarn-X was probably left on too long and/or allowed to dry. To remove the discoloration, use a copper cream or polish and follow the directions to restore the shine.
Why did my silver darken or discolor after using Tarn-X?
Silver may turn golden or dark gray in color if Tarn-X is left on too long and/or is allowed to dry on the silver. To remove the discoloration, fill a small bowl with 1/2 warm water, 1/2 Tarn-X and two drops of dish soap (Palmolive, Joy, etc.). With a soft clean cloth, wash the item with the mixture and rinse with cold clean water immediately. Dry the item off with a soft clean cloth. As a final step, apply a silver polish, to protect the item. This should restore your piece to its original condition. For large items, make sure you clean about 1/3 of the item at a time.
Why does Tarn-X have a mild "chemical odor"?
The odor is the active ingredients in Tarn-X coming into contact with tarnish. This indicates that the tarnish, which is sulfur, is actually being removed with Tarn-X.
Can I clean the filter to my humidifier?
Use only on metal filters. Dilute equal parts of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover and warm water into a plastic container. Dip the filter into the solution for about two minutes. Brush to loosen buildup and rinse with cold, clean water. Allow to dry.
Can I clean cast iron with Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover?
We do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on cast iron. The acids in Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover can compromise the metal.
Can I clean my glass shower doors with Brilliant Bath?
Yes. Our Brilliant Bath is safe and effective on the glass only (avoid any contact with the frame, trim or track of the door, as these are usually made of aluminum) part of a shower door. The best way to apply it to the glass is to spray some Brilliant Bath into a damp cloth or sponge and apply it to the affected stained areas of the glass. After 2 minutes, take a clean sponge/cloth and clear cold water to remove the solution. Do not spray the doors as you will get the product on materials it's not intended to be used on.
Can I clean my fiberglass boat, tub, or shower stall?
Yes, Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is found to be safe on fiberglass. Always spot test first in an inconspicuous area. Begin with a mixture of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover and water and progress to full strength if needed.
Can I clean my vinyl siding with Brilliant Bath?
Yes. You can use Brilliant Bath on vinyl siding as long as it is diluted and is thoroughly rinsed off of the surface in under two minutes. Studies have shown that the top coating of the siding will be affected if full strength Brilliant Bath is left on the surface for five minutes or longer.
Can I mix Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover & Brilliant Bath?
No. The two products have different ingredients and, as is true with any cleaner, should never be mixed with another cleaner.
Can I soak an item in Tarn-X?
We recommend using a cotton ball or soft cloth for the best application. However, dipping smaller items (such as sterling silver jewelry) may be easier. It is important to rinse with cold water IMMEDIATELY and do not let Tarn-X dry. Never keep Tarn-X on an item longer than a maximum of two minutes.
Can I use Brilliant Bath on granite?
Our Brilliant Bath can safely be used on granite to remove hard water deposits and stains. Granite is the ONLY natural stone that our Brilliant Bath can be used on.
Can I use Brilliant Bath in the washing machine or dishwasher to get rid of rust and lime deposits?
No, Brilliant Bath should not be used in the washing machine or dishwasher. The detergents in the product may foam excessively when agitated. Use Calcium, Lime, and Rust Remover in the gray bottle for these applications. The Brilliant Bath does not contain the ingredient necessary to remove rust, only our Calcium, Lime, and Rust Remover in the gray container does.
Can I use Brilliant Bath on my one-piece shower enclosure?
Only if the shower enclosure does not have a synthetic coating on it. Be sure to test a small, hidden area before cleaning the entire shower and wipe dry to check for any adverse effects.
Can I use Brilliant Bath on my faucets?
The Brilliant Bath can be used on faucets made of chrome or stainless steel and should not be used on any other finishes including, but not limited to bronze, oil rubbed bronze, nickel, brushed nickel, brass or copper.
Can I use Brilliant Bath to clean my pet bowls?
Yes, Brilliant Bath is great for cleaning pet bowls from food grime and water deposits! Spray Brilliant Bath to affected area of ceramic, stainless steel or plastic bowl. Leave on for 2 minutes using a sponge or scouring pad to assist in removal of stains, then rinse thoroughly with cold water. While our product is non-toxic we recommend washing the bowls prior to putting food or water back in them.
Can I use Calcium, Lime and Rust to clean my pet bowls?
Yes, Calcium, Lime, and Rust Remover is great for cleaning pet bowls from food, grime and water deposits! Dilute equal parts warm water and Calcium, Lime, and Rust Remover to clean ceramic, stainless steel or plastic bowls. Leave on for 2 minutes using a sponge or scouring pad to assist in removal of stains, then rinse thoroughly with cold water. While our product is non-toxic we recommend washing the bowls prior to putting food or water back in them.
Can I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover in/on my water heater?
Jelmar DOES NOT RECOMMEND the use of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover in or on any water heaters (tank or tankless); however there is a website that does. Again, JELMAR DOES NOT RECOMMEND THE USE OF IN A WATER HEATER. The chemical make-up of Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is not compatible with the materials or components of a water heater and cannot be thoroughly flushed through the water heater after 2 minutes. We recommend using what the manufacturer of the water heater deems safe and effective.
Can I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on my car to remove rust?
We do not recommended using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on a car. The acids in our product should not be used on aluminum or any painted/coated surface. You can safely remove rust from car wheels (if rims are made of chrome or stainless steel only, no alloys).
Can I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on my granite countertop?
We do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on any natural stones, including granite. The chemicals in the Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover can remove the seal and penetrate the stone.
Can I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover in my swimming pool?
We do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on or in any materials associated with a swimming pool. Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover should never come into contact with chlorine (or any other household chemical). It can create a poisonous gas and is not safe. We recommend consulting with a pool maintenance expert for recommendations for products that would be safe and effective.
Can I use CLR Metal Clear on marble?
No. It may scratch the surface of the marble.
Can I use CLR Metal Clear to remove spots on clothing or fabrics?
No. We do not recommend using CLR Metal Clear on clothing or fabrics.
Can I use CLR Metal Clear to polish my automobile hubcaps?
Yes. CLR Metal Clear does a great job of cleaning chrome, stainless steel and aluminum hubcaps and wheels.
Can I use Mold & Mildew on painted surfaces?
Our product is safe to use on fully cured and oil based painted surfaces only. Always spot test first. Do not use on powder coated or aged/worn painted surfaces.
Can I use Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean out my radiator?
Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover should not be used in or on a car radiator. Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover may not be compatible with the materials associated with a radiator and it could have adverse effects if the Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is not rinsed out completely.
Can I use Septic System in my RV or motor home?
Yes, Septic System can be used in an RV or motor home. Call our 800# (800-323-5497) to find out the appropriate amount for your vehicle.
Can I use Tarn-X on my knives?
Only if your knives are silver or silver plated. Use caution! Your knives may appear to be "silver", but have stainless steel blades with silver-plated handles. If Tarn-X is used on the stainless steel blade, it will discolor it. Look on the blade of your knife for silver or stainless steel stamp or contact the manufacturer. If in doubt, test in a small, hidden area. See the following question for possibly correcting this problem.
Can I use Tarn-X Silver Polish on copper, brass or lacquered metals?
Tarn-X Silver Polish should only be used on sterling silver and silver plate.
What is 'artificially oxidized silver' and how can I identify it?
Artificially oxidized silver is silver that has gone through a chemical treatment to alter its look and luster. It gives silver a smoky, almost blackened look. Do NOT use Tarn-X on artificially oxidized silver, as it will remove the artificial oxidation treatment from the silver.
What is a septic system?
A septic system is a self-contained underground wastewater treatment system. The septic system is composed of a septic tank and a leach/absorption area.
What will Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover do to brass, copper or aluminum?
Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover can not only remove the finish off of brass, aluminum and copper, but can also pit certain grades of brass, copper and aluminum.
Is CLR Clog-Free Drain Safe For My Family And The Environment?
Drain Opener is safe to have around your family because it is non-toxic. It contains no harsh chemicals, acids or lye. It is non-polluting and will not contaminate ground water. Even the can is recyclable!
Is CLR Clog-Free Drain Safe For My Family And The Environment?
Our Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is non-toxic and water soluble. The chemicals in the product are derived from vegetables, however we recommend all safety precautions be followed, per the back label of the bottle.
What can I do if I left Tarn-X on too long?
If Tarn-X is left on too long and is allowed to dry, it may discolor. Silver may turn golden, cloudy or dark gray in color if Tarn-X is left on too long and/or is allowed to dry on the silver. To remove the discoloration, fill a small bowl with 1/2 warm water, 1/2 Tarn-X and two drops of dish soap (Palmolive, Joy, etc.). With a soft clean cloth, wash the item with the mixture and rinse with cold clean water immediately. Dry the item off with a soft clean cloth. As a final step, apply a silver polish, to protect the item. This should restore your piece to its original condition. For large items, make sure you clean about 1/3 of the item at a time.
What will happen if I leave Range Hood & Stove on too long?
If Range Hood & Stove is left on too long and begins to dry, it can be very difficult to remove.
How important is it to rinse an item after using Tarn-X?
Rinsing with cold water IMMEDIATELY after use is one of the most important steps. If Tarn-X is not completely rinsed off, it may darken or discolor your silver. When cleaning multiple items, always thoroughly rinse and towel dry each piece before continuing to the next item.
What types of metals can I clean with Tarn-X?
Tarn-X will clean sterling silver, silver plate, platinum, copper, gold and even diamonds. Do not use Tarn-X on poorly plated silver, silver that has scratched or marred surfaces or any item that is not in good condition. Do not mix gold and silver items together when cleaning with Tarn-X.
Can Brilliant Bath be used on colored grout?
No. It is only safe to use on white grout. If used on colored grout it will lighten the grout color over time or discolor.
Can Brilliant Bath be used on marble or synthetic marble?
No. The active ingredients in Brilliant Bath will have a reaction with the marble.
Can Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used on pool tile?
Unfortunately, we do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on pool tile. It could remove the finish from the tile. In addition, if Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover comes in contact with chlorine, it could result in toxic fumes. We recommend consulting with a pool maintenance expert for their recommendation for products that are safe and effective.
Can Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used on marble or synthetic marble?
We do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on any natural stones, especially marble (even synthetic). The acids in our product will remove the seal, penetrating the marble and can compromise the natural beauty of marble. Even synthetic marbles are coated and real marble dust is used to give the effect of real marble. If you spill Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover accidentally on these surfaces, make sure to call a marble professional for further instructions.
Can Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used on galvanized metal?
We do not recommend using Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover on galvanized metals. When a metal is galvanized, a Zinc coating is put over the metal (usually to protect it from rusting). The acids in Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover will remove the Zinc which could compromise the material.
Can Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used on clothes or fabric?
No, Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover should never be used on clothing. Please find an appropriate stain remover or laundry detergent. If Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover is spilled on fabric, you must rinse immediately. It may break down the fibers in clothing and/or fabric.
Can Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used in a steam iron, steamer or steam machine?
It is not recommended that Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used in steam irons. The acids in our products are not compatible with the components of steam irons, steamers or steam machines. We recommend contacting the manufacturer of your particular steam iron, steamer or steam machine for their recommendation for products safe and effective on their materials.
Can Outdoor Furniture Cleaner be used on colored resin?
Yes. Resin is a type of plastic and Outdoor Furniture Cleaner is safe on white and colored resin including resin furniture and resin sporting or play equipment.
Can Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover be used to clean stains from rugs?
Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover should not be used to clean rugs or carpeting. Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover can break down the fibers in rugs and carpeting and pull the color out.
Does Tarn-X harm clothing?
Yes. When working with Tarn-X products avoid contact with your clothing. Tarn-X can stain or discolor fabrics/clothing.
After pouring the recommended dosage amounts into a drain/garbage disposal do I run water right afterwards or wait?
While the product begins working instantly it’s best if used during low water usage, usually at night.
For a shower/tub drain pour recommended dosage per directions on the label into shower/tub drain at night. Following morning run cold water down drain.
After pouring the recommended dosage amounts into a drain/toilet do I run water right afterwards or wait?
While the product begins working instantly it’s best if used during low water usage or overnight.
For a toilet bowl; pour recommended dosage per directions on the label into toilet bowl at night. Following morning flush the toilet.
Can Tarn-X be used on copper roofs or awnings?
While our Tarn-X Tarnish Remover is safe to use on copper, we do not recommend it be used on outdoor copper, such as roofs or awnings, as it can affect the natural patina of the copper due to the variance in grades of copper used outdoors, as well as the weather elements like humidity, temperature and moisture.
Does CLR Brands™ offer biobased products?
Calcium, Lime, & Rust Remover and Probiotic Multi-Surface are both biobased products, meaning they contain largely renewable and plant-based ingredients. CLR BrandsTM has been recognized as a BioPreferred Champion for 2022, signifying our commitment to using renewable materials, supporting the bioeconomy, and bettering the planet. USDA's BioPreferred Program was first introduced in the 2002 Farm Bill with the goal of increasing the development, purchase, and use of biobased products.
I used Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover to clean my glasses and it did not remove the deposits. Do you know why?
If it seems that the Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover did not help at all, the glasses may be etched and there is no remedy to remove the cloudiness from the glasses. The cloudiness is actually tiny cuts made in the glass by deposits in the water. The only thing that may remove the etching is a jeweler’s polish.