How to Get Rid of Limescale with an Old Toothbrush

There they are again! You see it when you’re getting ready for work in the morning, taking a shower at night, or as you’re just brushing your teeth…stubborn calcium and lime build-up that won’t go away. They may be unsightly deposits on your faucets or tile—which can result in mold and unpleasant odors—or worse; the build-up may be clogging or slowing down the stream of water from your shower heads and faucets.
Jacob from New York, our sixth winner of the CLR 101 Uses contest winner says,
Scrubbing the bathroom tile with a toothbrush and using CLR works really well. I’ve also tried soaking the shower head in the solution, and it takes out the calcium build up.
Step-by-Step Guide to Clean Your Bathroom with CLR Calcium, Lime & Rust Remover
CLR Calcium, Lime & Rust Remover, and an old toothbrush is a powerful combination that quickly and easily dissolves and removes tough calcium and lime deposits as well as surface rust stains.
How to Revitalize Surfaces with CLR Solution
First, apply a 50/50 CLR and water solution to the surface that you intend to clean. Anything that can be disconnected, such as shower heads, should be soaked in the CLR solution to loosen build upand wait for no more than two minutes. Scrub the area with a bristle brush, or old toothbrush . Afterward, rinse the solution with cold water and voìla, your problem is wiped away! Repeat for areas with heavy build up.
CLR's Efficacy Across Different Surfaces
Use CLR on many surfaces in your bathroom, even the PVC pipes under your sink. But its cleaning performance extends far beyond the bathroom. It’s also effective on porcelain, stainless steel, brick, chrome, concrete, and fiberglass. It’s no surprise that CLR is the #1 selling calcium, lime rust remover in industry.